We have some devastating news to share here that makes us very angry and sad at the same time.
On Tuesday this week, our long term partner, supplier and good friends at DSR – Drone Safe Register had their store in Chichester broken into, and over £100K of DJI Products stolen.
This is always sickening to hear, but even more so when it is friends of ours, and a business that literally can and regularly do, go above and beyond to support us and all of the commercial drone service providers like us and the many others in the UK.
We are doing what we can to help the Mark, Tom and the rest of the team at DSR to try and locate the stolen goods, but also locate the low life scum who committed this dreadful crime.
Heres the link to the list of kit stolen, keep a sharp eye out everyone, and if you are offered any brand new DJI kit, such as a new Mavic 3 Cine kit, for what seems like a very low price, let Mark or any of the Impact Aerial team know and we will pass it over to the CID Team at the police who are investigating.
Heres the link.